Order of Discalced Carmelite Secular (OCD’s)
The Secular Carmel – History
Since devotion to Mary, Mother of God has always been a special feature of Carmelites Spirituality, Secular Carmelites are expected to cultivate filial devotion to Mary, wearing Her scapular trustfully and invoking Her through the recitation of Rosary.
Spiritual perfection is not only the task or duty of religious priests and nuns but is also offered to the Christian faithful: “You must be perfect just as your Father in Heaven is perfect” (Mt 5: 48). Vatican II in its document “Light of the Nations” teaches that all the Christian believers according to their vocation and their state of life have the duty to tend to the perfection of love for God and neighbour and to make their contribution in the respective fields of their profession to the advancement of Humanity.
For many centuries the great religious Orders-Franciscans, Augustinians, Dominicans, and Carmelites- offered opportunities to the Christian families and associations in the neighbourhood of their convent and monasteries of partaking and sharing in the spirituality and charism of their own respective Order. These lay persons who while remaining seculars and following secular professions share in the charism of religious Orders were known as Tertiaries.
The Foundation of the Carmelite Tertiaries, which was also called “Third Order,” is attributed to Blessed John Soreth, the Superior General of the Carmelites in 1455. Today the Third or “Secular” Order of Carmel has spread in many countries all over the world. The Secular Carmel has nearly 12,000 members worldwide and 800 being Indians.
Conditions for Membership:
-One must have a vocation to Carmel. Vocation to Carmel is a personal call from God.
-One is required to live as a Carmelite not only during the meetings, but in one’s daily life. Carmel is a lifestyle.
-Therefore, aspirants for membership in the Secular Carmel are expected to know and practice their catholic faith as far as possible. Their families should be models of Christian Family living. They should regularly frequent the sacraments and fulfill their religious duties.
-The Carmelite Saints, Teresa of Jesus, John of the Cross and Therese of Lisieux popularly known as the Little Flower are three great guides in the spiritual life. They have all been declared Doctors of the Church. Reading their writings and imbibing their spirituality, Secular Carmelites will enable themselves by God’s grace to grow in faith and love. Thus they will be able to overcome the materialism that is invading all sectors of society.
-In this way the members of the Secular Carmel will be able to keep faithfully the promises they make after completing their formation.
Formation in Carmel Family:
Applicants above 18 years of age are expected to undergo an initial one-year period known as the aspirancy. The aspirancy is for the careful discernment by the community council and the aspirant of the vocation to Carmel, before acceptance as a candidate in formation. At the end of the aspirancy, the candidate undergoes the first two years of formation before making their First Promise. The candidate continues for another three years of formation and upon successful completion, and diligent discernment of the vocation by the candidate and the community council throughout the formation years, they may be admitted to the Definitive Profession of the three Evangelical Counsels in accordance with their state of life.
Mount Carmel Community – St. Therese of Child Jesus Community
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community (OCDS) Carmelite Monastery, Margao Goa.
The Carmelite Monastery at Margao was established in the year 1939. Evidence points out to the existence of a tertiary community from around the same time. They had a library and a book in Portuguese for the propagation of devotion to the Infant Jesus which was published by them.
Fr. Jose Maria the first Goan Carmelite founded Lar de Santa Terezinha for orphan and abandoned girls in 1947. It was entrusted to some women tertiaries. They made private promises and wore a typical Carmelite habit. Sr. Maria Christina, was the last surviving member of these women at Lar and she expired in 2005.
The so called Third Order Carmelites, were reorganized and the new Constitutions were approved in 2003. It is now known as the Secular Order of the Teresian Carmel or just Secular Carmel in short. The Delegate General, Rev. Fr. Aloysius Deeney is the one who was principally responsible to give it new life and promote it worldwide. He even visited our Province.
It was the dream of our Ex-Provincial Rev.Fr. George Santhumayor to start OCDS.
Margao was found to be an ideal place, to begin a community of the Secular Carmel and the first steps in this regard were taken by Fr. Dieogo Proenca, Superior of the Carmelite Monastery in the year 2006. After him, Fr. Joseph D’Souza was appointed as the Spiritual Assistant who guided the infant steps of this community.
Our first President was Mr. Robin Santos from year 2006-2014. Initially there were 26 members. The next Spiritual Assistant was Fr. Alvito Fernandes who explained the writings of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. Many people joined in order to listen to him. Finally on 12th November 2012, the first batch which comprised of 8 members, made their Definitive Promise and 7 made their Temporary Promise.
In 2014 Fr. Ajith Rodrigues came in as our new Spiritual Assistant. A systematic syllabus was introduced for the first time with proper classes for the formation of the members. The baton was carried forward by Fr. Mark Furtado who provided valuable spiritual assistance for 2 years.
In 2018, council elections according to the new Provincial Statutes were held and Mrs. Elizabeth Santos was elected as President, Leslie Santimano was a Formator, Councillors were Agnelo Braganza, Martha Pereira and Savio Pereira. When Fr. Mark had to proceed to Rome for higher studies, the Superior Fr. Archibald Gonsalves stepped in. Whenever he was absent, Fr. Richard Menezes was ever ready to help us.
With a growth in members, a new community dedicated to St. Therese of The Child Jesus was formed in Aug 2019 with their base at Lar de Santa Terezinha, Pajifond.
From December 2020 Fr. Jeevan Tauro was our Spiritual Assistant. We had elections of the Council held on 30th August 2021.
President: Mrs. Elizabeth Santos
Formator: Mrs. Carol Mascarenhas
Councillors: Rose Mendes, Reduzindo (Rodo) Pereira, Savio Pereira
Canonically Established: We are also privileged to be canonically Established on 21st November 2021.
We lovingly remember four members who departed from this world in duration of four years: Br. Oliver D’Costa, (Formator), Br. Leslie Santimano, (Formator) Br. Joaquim Rebello and Sr. Rose Mendes (Councillor). We miss them a lot, but are comforted by the fact that they are interceding for us from heaven.
In April 2023 we had election after death of our Councillor Rose Mendes and Anne Dias was elected as a third councillor. From June 2023, Fr. Lancy Mendonca is currently our Spiritual Assistant till date and we are spiritually blooming under his guidance.
At present our community comprises of:
10 Definitive Promise Members
6 Temporary Promise
2 in Initial Formation II
4 in Initial Formation I
3 in Aspirancy
8 “Come and See”
5 Friends of Carmel
Details of Activities conducted in our community:
Regular Monthly Meetings: We have our regular monthly meetings every second Sunday of the month from 3.30pm to 7.00pm at the Monastery.
SPIRITUAL LIFE (Spiritual Retreats / Spiritual Talks / Training Programmes):
- Recollections twice a year
- Retreat once a year
- Triduum for major feasts
- Rosary during months of May and October
- Adorations, Vespers Liturgy
- Praying Divine Mercy Rosary in preparation of Divine Mercy Feast
- Praying the St. Joseph Rosary in the month of March.
- Praying the Sacred Heart Rosary in the month of June
- Promoting and creating awareness of Bl.Denis and Redemptus by distributing prayer cards offering mass on 10th July 2022 , social media promotion (you tube videos)
- Prayer service through you tube videos
- Praying for the dead.
- Regular Monthly Meetings:
- We have our regular monthly meetings every second Sunday of the month from 3.30pm to 7.00pm at the Monastery.
- Spiritual Retreats / Spiritual Talks / Training Programmes:
- We have our yearly annual retreat and
- We have 2 recollections per year (twice a year)
Feast Days & Liturgical Celebrations:
- Liturgy Participation novenas prior to feast days during Our Lady of Carmel Feast.
- Liturgy participation, novenas prior to St. Joseph Feast, St. Therese of Child Jesus, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Divine Mercy Feast, Divine Mercy Chaplet recitation before feast and during election time of country, 40 hours adoration during lent, Stations of the Cross, First Friday Adoration, Vespers every second Saturday of the month, recitation of daily rosary during May and October , Chaplet of Sacred Heart Novena , Chaplet of St. Joseph During novena days, Rosary & Litany to our blessed Virgin Mary in preparation of her birthday.
Formation & Study:
- Formation classes given according to the syllabus.
- Formation classes given to Aspirancy, Formation, Temporary and Definitive Promises.
- Teaching of breviary to new members.
Apostolate, Works of Charity & Service, Involvement in Parish / Diocese:
• Out-reach programmes: visit to old-age homes, orphanages, Cancer patients, prisoners.
• Visiting the sick and the elders in the neighourhood.
• Assisting the new units at Mapusa and Xellim.
• Helping the missions of our Carmelite Fathers in Africa and other parts of the province – to support the poor and the needy.
• Financial Aid to Seminarians.
• Competitions for Catechism Children.
• Giving Financial Aid to dialysis patients and cancer patient.
• Feeding the hungry on the street.
• Giving material aid to flood prone areas.
• Giving Dry ration for poor families.
• Christmas celebration and recollection
• Visit to Avila Jyothi
• Visited Cloistered Nuns
• Volunteers during major feasts.
• Evangelisation
Vocation Promotion:
Promoting OCDS and brining in new members
Conferences / Regional / National Gatherings, Workshops Competitions (Participated & Organised):
Organised regional program in Goa
Drawing contests based on St. Therese of Child Jesus.
Quiz on St. Therese of Child Jesus
Visited Carmelite Monastery in Mapusa, Goa
Visited Monastery in Old Goa for feast of Bl. Denis and Bl. Redemptus
Support for Carmelite Friars and Nuns:
Sponsored a brother seminarian
Financial aid provided to Carmelite Cloistered Nuns – Chicalim, Goa.
Community Building & Fellowship:
Annual Picnic
Feasts Celebrations
Christmas Celebration
Birthday of Members
Visit to Cloistered Carmel
Mrs. Elizabeth Santos (OCDS): (President)
Details of Members :
1. Definitive Promises :
Elizabeth Santos
Robin Santos
Reduzindo (Rodo) Pereira
Rosy Pereira
Carol Mascarenhas
Judith Cardozo
Serafina Lobo
Agnes Da Silva
Savio Pereira
Sebastian (Seby) Mendes
2. Temporary Promises:
Mathil Jane
Anne Dias
Elsa Fernandes
Cheryl Fernandes
Sophia Viegas
Loretta Da Costa
Formation I & II :
Ana Da Costa
Inez Fernandes
Gleeson Fernandes
Diela Dias
Ashreena Mendes
Gracy Corte
3. Aspirants:
Maria Luis
Meena D’Souza
Otilia Henriques
4. Come & See:
Elweena Pereira
Leoniz Gomes
Dwayne Fernandes
Gabriel Fernandes
Antonio Fernandes
Ana Fernandes
Peola Fernandes
George Fernandes
5. Friends of Carmel:
Terrence D’Souza
Daphne D’Souza
Engracia Coutinho
Alice Monte D’Silva
Levin Viegas
St. Therese of Child Jesus Community
In 2003 the new Constitutions of the Secular Order of the Teresian Carmel, or simply “Secular Carmel,” were accepted, and what was then known as third Order of Carmelites was restructured. At the Carmelite Monastery in Margao, a Community of the Secular Carmel was established in 2006 in compliance with these revised constitutions. It was given Our Lady of Mount Carmel as its patroness. It was determined that it was time to split out to create a separate unit with 12 members as the number of members grew. Saint Teresa of Avila believed that smaller communities would promote healthier interpersonal interactions.
A new Community (OCDS) dedicated to St. Therese of the Child Jesus with its base at Lar de Santa Terezinha, Pajifond Margao was launched as” ad experimentum” by Rev. Fr. Charles Serrao OCD, the Provincial Superior of the Karnataka-Goa Province in the presence of Rev. Fr. Rovel D’Souza OCD, the Delegate Provincial for the Secular Carmel in August 2019. On that occasion the Provincial encouraged the members to continue their journey in holiness by seeking union with God through prayer. The Superior of the Monastery Fr. Archibald Gonsalves OCD was appointed as the first Spiritual Assistant, of the community, Mr. Roy Rodrigues OCDS, as president, Mrs. Effie Viegas OCDS, Formator. Mr. Agnelo Braganza OCDS, I Councillor, Mrs. Teresa Dias OCDS, II Councillor, Mrs. Mabel Dias III Councillor and Mrs. Marta Pereira OCDS, Secretary to the Council.
This Community has fulfilled all requirements as per the Constitutions approved by the Holy See and also the Provincial Statutes. We follow the formation programme which lasts 6 years, leading to Definitive Promise for life. On 29th August, 2021, the new OCDS Delegate Provincial, Rev. Fr. Deep Fernandes OCD, conducted the first official triennial elections of the Local Council. On the same day, 14 Aspirants were inducted into the Initial Formation – I.
Our members are involved in planning and organizing the liturgical and para liturgical services at the Carmelite Monastery, like Sunday Mass, Adoration, Vespers etc. We undertake various apostolates, like helping the poor and the missions, by raising funds, visiting old age homes and orphanages, organizing seminars, participate at regional meet and Congress, and conducting quizzes and competitions for children etc.
There is a meeting of the entire community once a month, during which the formation of members take place. It’s also a time for prayer in common and fraternal bonding. The Local Council meets along with the Spiritual Assistant as per the need and it takes important decisions for the welfare of the community. It also pertains to the Council to assess the suitability of candidates and approve them for the Promises.
The Spiritual Assistant (2020-2023), Rev. Fr. Silvestre D’Souza OCD, who is always ready to assist and support the community in living out the “Charism” of the Carmelite Order, under his guidance on 20th January 2023, at a thanksgiving mass presided by Rev. Fr. George Santhumayor OCD, Provincial Superior of the Karnataka-Goa province, two members professed their Vow of Chastity and Obedience in the Secular Carmel.
April 2023, Fr. Silvestre D’Souza OCD, Spiritual Assistant of our community has been elected as the Provincial Superior of the Karnataka-Goa province of the Order of Discalced Carmelites in the 15th provincial chapter, held at Pushpashrama, Mysuru. He succeeded his predecessor Rev. Fr. George Santhumayor OCD, who is presently appointed as our new Spiritual Assistant.
Spiritual Assistant : Fr. George Santhumayor OCD
President : Mrs. Martha Pereira OCDS
Director of Formation : Mrs. Beliza Antao OCDS
I Councilor : Mr. Agnelo Braganza OCDS
II Councilor : Mrs. Teresa Dias OCDS
III Councilor : Mrs. Mabel Dias Carneiro OCDS
At present the Community consists of:
Vowed Members 2
Definitively Professed Members 7
Temporary Promise Yr. III 1
Temporary Promise Yr. II 10
Initial Formation Yr. II 2
Initial Formation Yr. I 5
Friends of Carmel 2
Observers 4
Legion of Mary:
Legion of Mary movement was started in Carmelite Monastery in the year 7th September 1992 and Fr. Anthony D’ Silva was the spiritual director. There was also a junior presidium but in course of time the youth either went for higher studies or married and the junior presidium was closed. Couple of years backs the senior presidium which was also running low but today we have 29 active members 10 auxiliary members and 5 pretorium members under the guidance of Spiritual director Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues who is also the Superior of the Carmelite Monastery.
Every Wednesday the group takes part in the 7.00 am mass and then gathers in the hall. Fr. Archibald gives them input sessions. The group is very vibrant and quite involved in the day to day running of the spiritual activities in the monastery.
The legionaries have been doing fabulous jobs like helping in cleanliness, helping in maintaining the order in the designated masses, visiting the sick in around the church they also visit various hospital, old age homes the orphanages, cancer hospitals, Aids hospitals also Mother of Jesus old Age homes.
When they visit, they listen to their sorrows and joys and pray with them and later collectively they remember them in the petitions and prayers. The group has its annual picnic, last year, they had been to our Xellim monastery and this year they visited Ponda Spice Garden.
They have been given blue veils with the Marion emblem on it, which they were especially when they animate the liturgy every Sunday at the 7.00 am mass.
Presently Mr. Rodo is the President, under whose leadership the group has scaled greater heights.
Bible Course:
Vocation Promotion: Goa-Belagavi-Sindhudurg
Regional Vocation Promoter – Br Malvino Alfonso
Local Vocation Promoters:
Canacona Taluka – Fr Ivo Dias
North Goa – Fr Ronald D’Souza
South Goa – Fr Diogo Proenca and Fr. Kiran Lobo
Diocese of Belgaum – Fr Joachim Rodrigues